Monday 26 March 2012

Delicious Trio

Pepperdance, Big Macintosh and Cherry Spices. Delicious trio!

I've been lucky enough to find most of the blind bag ponies I've dreamed of thanks to many helpful friends, fellow pony fans and my other half (who's been pony hunting with me so much it's sometimes him who reminds me about checking new stock in stores and keeping an eye on an auction. Ponies change people.)
I'm especially happy about finally succeeding in finding the wave 3 Big Macintosh boy pony (middle in the photo.) I must say it wasn't easy! Every time there'd be new blind bags in the stores in town someone would go and snatch only and exactly him off the boxes. I had already startes suspecting I had a rival in town until I finally found him the other week. Oh boy the pure JOY when I finally found the blind bag #11! Pony hobby makes you feel things you didn't know you could feel.

Also, here's a shot of some of my newest blind bag ponies. They're such a joy to photograph!
From left to right: Minty, Big Macintosh, Sweetcream Scoops, Sweetie Blue, Blumblesweet, Firecracker Burst, Pepperdance and Cherry Spices.
I love their silly names.

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