Sunday 11 March 2012

7 facts

I was happily surprised to have been tagged on this Lovely Blog Award by Annukkaisen poniblogi, which is a lovely Finnish pony blog full of fun photos. Worth checking out! ^_^
I'm going to write mine in English as the rest of my blog as well, so my international readers can understand it too. Anyway, these are the guidelines for the award:
1. Link back to the person who awarded you
2. Write 7 random facts about yourself.
3. Award 15 other bloggers

The 7 random facts about me:
1) I waste a lot of time looking at puppy photos online. I have three shortcuts for daily puppy blogs on my browser and follow numerous dog pages on Facebook. They cheer me up so much every time.
2) I'm a passionate comic geek and am especially into indie and self-published comics but will give anything and any genre a try. Most of the books in my shelf are comics.
3) I love science fiction. Predictions and ideas about the far future in space fascinate me and I really enjoy watchings shows and films and readings stories about imaginary creatures and new civilisations. Needless to say it all started when my dad introduced me to Star Wars at a very young age.
4) I surround myself with cute things. I have something cute and cheerful on pretty much every corner that exists in my flat. Figures, toys, plushies, postcards, flowers, key rings, jewellery and fun shaped and coloured kitchen tools and... you name it! Even my sofa is pink just because I thought it was a cute colour for a sofa.
5) I'm super curious about the world and can't stand not knowing an answer to a question. Therefore I read a lot of magazines, news articles and blogs about science and nature. There have been times when I've got up the bed in the middle of the night just to find an answer to a burning question like: "Do whales blink?" just because I was unable to fall asleep without knowing the answer. And yes, they do blink, in case you were wondering. ;)
6) When I was 15 I decided that I would never start drinking alcohol. It's not always easy to be the only teetotaller around and am proud of keeping this promise to myself. I've been lucky enough to find friends and a partner who understand and respect my choice and very often choose to not drink when I'm around. :)
7) I find happiness in small things. Cheesy or not, seeing someone smile, smelling a flower, petting an animal, small talk with a stranger, nice weather, bird singing and seeing a happy couple holding hands are things that make my day. I like to think every trip outside is a small adventure because you never know what nice things you might encounter even on your way to the supermarket.

There we go. An assorted collection of facts about lil' old me. :)

My blog is still so new I'm not following very many people and the ones I'd like to award have already done this so I'll just say I'll award all my readers! ;)


  1. Ihastuttava blogi sinulla ja kiitos tuosta valasinfosta. Mua ois jääny vaivaamaan. :D

    1. Kiitos! Kiva kuulla, että pidtä blogistani. :) Ja joo, itseäni jää todella helposti vaivaamaan se, ettei johonkin kysymykseen ole vastausta, niin en halua jättää kysymyksiä auki muillekaan!
