Saturday, 4 August 2012

Furby 2012

This time I'm going to talk about Furbies. 
When they first came out in 1998 I thought they were the best thing ever. This was when my family didn't have any pets yet so a Furby seemed like the next best thing to a real animal at the time. I had one that was grey with black spots and a pink belly and hair. Looked like this.
Should see if she still hides somewhere around my family's house. We went totally Furby mad with my sister back then and ended up having 4 of these guys in total among us two. Two adult Furbies and two baby ones. Oh boy did we have fun with them! Until they started making buzzing noises and leaking some sorta oil... That was the end of Furbydom. I have a feeling we might have kept one or two though so should go look for one next time I'm in Finland!

Anyway, I only heard about the reboot of the Furby toys about a week ago from a friend of mine and have been totally hyped about Furbies ever since. I can't wait till September! And sure hope they'll come out for sale in September in the UK too because other wise I'll be ridiculously jealous of all the American kids owning one. Haha.
I mean, just look at the video of the new Furby! Don't they look fun? I'm totally saving up for one already and am having hard time deciding between the black and the orange ones. 


  1. Sounds pretty neat! 8D
    I still have my old Furby. I just don't know if it works anymore, poor thing has been in closet forever. :D But I took it with me when moved to own house so I'm sure it is still around. xD
    Hmm! Maybe I should get one of those new ones too! Hope the app is available for Androir. x)

    1. Haha, I guess everyone hid their Furbies in closest to make them shut up for a while. Then they were just forgotten for years. :D
      I was hoping the app will be available for other phones too! I've got a Nokia and fear that it won't be available for it. D:

  2. Yes~ I also saw a commercial of the new Furbies on Youtube. Now I really want one! x'3 I actually was "too old" for a Furby back in 1998, but my cousins had one and secretly I always wanted to own one myself too.

    Now I can~ ^__^ Everyone tell me that Furbies are scary and "possessed" or something but I think they're cute~

    1. Furbies have such a cute design. I love the way they look. :)
      I actually did get one of these upgraded Furbies when they came out before Christmas time and I really truly regret it. The Furby wasn't as fun as the old version (or I'd grown too old to appreciate it!) I'd been happier with just a motionless figure which I could've admired on my shelf. :D
