Friday, 3 August 2012

ABJ dolls

I keep meaning to write about other toys and figures I collect and photograph but I've never gotten around to actually doing something about this. This post will change everything!

I've been collecting Asian ball-jointed dolls since early 2004 and own 6 full dolls at the moment. The amount has changed quite a lot during the years and the most dolls I had at the same time was 12, if I remember correctly. I've then shrunk my collection to include only my absolute favourite ones so I have more time for each one of them. :) Since I moved to England, the doll hobby went on a bit of a hiatus for a couple of years and am slowly coming back to the hobby, with fresh new energy! 

I'm currently waiting for two new dolls to arrive. They're petite sized girl dolls with split hooves as their feet. I'm really looking forward to adding them to my lovely collection of dolls. :) In the mean time, I've gathering essential items for them. Like glass eyes, wigs, clothes and new rubber strings to replace the ones they come with. I just got their wigs in the mail today and am SO excited to have something arrive in the mail already! The wigs were made by a fellow Finn at the Finnish doll forum, Hartsilapset. 

Even the wrapping of the wigs was lovely!

The doll on the photo above is one of my favourite dolls, named Oliver Keijuhäntä. Her model is Fancyboots' Liebchen and she was made by a hobbyist instead of an Asian doll company. She's very precious. 
Her makeup is done by Jesmoth, who's a multi-talented friend of mine. 

I will be posting more fun doll-related photos in the future, as well as more My Little Pony related stuff. And possibly photos and stories of other toys and figures I've collected during the years. (There's loads!)


  1. Oi mikä nukkekaunokainen <3 En itselleni halua näitäkään nukkeja hankkia, mutta mielelläni opin aina lisää ja eritoten katselen kuvia ^__^

    1. Suloinen, eikö vain? ^_^ Ajattelin, että voisin innostua postailemaan enemmänkin kuvia nukeistani tänne, nyt kun olen taas aktiivisesti harrastuksessa mukana. :)

  2. Mahtavaa nähdä sinua taas harrastuksessa mukana~! Enpä malta odottaa lisää kuvia nukeista ja leluista. ❥:3 Oliver on aina yhtä hurmaava ja kutrit kyllä pukevat toista erittäin hyvin.^^

    1. Olen ihan uudella tavalla innoissanikin harrastuksesta. Aloitan ikään kuin puhtaalta pöydältä vain suosikkieni kanssa. ^_^ Odotan itsekin innolla tilaisuuksia valokuvata nukkeja taas!
