Thursday, 29 March 2012

Fluttershy & Autumn Crisp

Received a parcel full of pony goodness the other day and have been admiring them non-stop ever since. It seems like I've ended up having quite many purple ponies. It wasn't intentional but it seems like there are quite many purple ones that are to my liking. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello there! At last I have a chance to visit a blog with almost the same profile as mine! I'm also in love with My Little Pony, and I collect them. On my blog I've posted some tutorials, photos, and stuff related to My Little Pony. Feel welcome to visit :)
    Now Im testing how to remove pen and ink stains from MLP white body- my Golden Delicous was really harmed when she was with her previous ovner ;/- post about your Pony, Abra-Ca-Dabra inspired me to write, becouse I couldnt find the follow button...Hope you visit me someday, best wishes and keep on collecting MLP ;)
    Ps. address to my blog:
